Following on from our last movement searching for clouds, is Repulse Monkey.

After separating the hands just above the face we circle the arms out bringing them down to shoulder width and height, extended straight outward. As we do this we are also sinking down at the same time with our knees. They remain bent for this entire sequence of movements. The right arm is then dropped down toward the right hip passing the Gall Bladder meridian. The arm is then extended up to shoulder height palm facing up as the waist turns toward the back while the hips are kept to the front. This means the arm will be pointing towards the back corner but the arm should say inline with the shoulder. The head turns to look sideways but doesn’t look directly at the hand. From here the the hand is brought straight towards the ear by bending the elbow, as if bringing a mobile phone to the ear. The right hand then pushes straight forward approximately half crossing the upturned palm of the left hand. The focus should be on the Laogong acupoint shown below. As if the upper hand were depositing Qi into that point on the hand below.

Approx. position of Laogong (Pericardium-8) acupoint
Approx. position of Laogong (Pericardium-8) acupoint

Now the the left hand is dropped down to the left hip and the entire movement repeated on this side as you have just done on the right. We do three repeats on each side. On the last repulse monkey on the left side we do not cross the palms but push the arm through such that the arms are extended out to shoulder height and width. You will note that the right hand is face up, simply turn the palm face down ready to go into the next movement.

We breathe in as the repulsing arm is dropped and brought up to shoulder height. The out breath is performed as the elbow is bent and the hand pushed forward across the opposite hand.

Benefits of this movement

This movement works on and stimulates the Liver and gallbladder, the twisting movements of the waist unblock and disperse Qi in these meridians. It also relieves shoulder pain, improves the muscles and tendons of shoulder, relieves elbow and wrist pain, arthritis and improves chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and other conditions related to the Lungs.

A blockage of Qi in the Gall Bladder (GB) meridian can lead to temporal headaches and pain behind the eyes. Stress also has a large impact on the GB meridian meaning this movement may also help with stress.

First few movements of Repulse Monkey

Movement five is a little similar to the repulse Monkey in the Yang style Beijing 24, but without the stepping backward. I love doing this movement, it feels so good.

Yours in Qigong


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