This Blog purpose is an adjunct to the classes I teach. I am an instructor for Jinli-Wushu Tai Chi school based in Melbourne, Australia. Its purpose is educational and is not prescriptive as an alternative to medical treatment.

The Blog is based on the ShiBaShi – set one that is taught at JinLi-Wushu Tai Chi School. ShiBaShi is a form of Qigong that was developed by Professor Lin Housheng in the 1970s in China. It is also known as the “18-Movement Tai Chi-Qigong,” or simply the “Shibashi Qigong. A basic description of each of the eighteen movements is given, along with some of the expected benefits.

Periodically, other general interest posts relating to Taijiquan and Qigong will be provided.

It is hoped that all learners of Qigong and Taijiquan may find the content useful in their journey of learning and perfecting these wonderful arts, not just the students of our school.

The blog is basically tailored to beginner students in an effort to increase their knowledge base and support them with a little more detail as their classes progress. However, anyone at any level will find the information a good reminder to achieve the goals of better health, well-being and longevity.

I have a strong interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine which goes hand in hand with these arts. So from time to time, I will include this in my blog posts, particularly in relation to Qigong. I am also a qualified nutritionist and Holistic lifestyle coach so this site will include educational information on supporting your health, healing, and longevity journey with lifestyle and nutrition content.

The website for the school I am an instructor with can be found here; JinLi-Wushu Tai Chi school

I trust you will find these blog posts useful and informative. Feel free to leave comments or ask questions as this blog is here to educate.

Sifu Peter Eves – Yours in Qigong and Taijiquan, health and longevity.

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